Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie • zeroforlife.com

Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie


Fall and winter are synonymous with cozy gatherings, family feasts, and delightful desserts. Pecan pie has long been a beloved treat during these seasons, filling our homes with warmth and sweetness. Today, we’re introducing you to a gluten-free twist on a classic favorite: “Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie.” Not only will we provide you with this mouthwatering recipe, but we’ll also delve into the culinary science behind it, explaining how each ingredient works its magic.

This incredibly rich Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie is sinfully delicious and absolutely perfect for your next family gathering or pot luck!

Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie

The Crucial Role of Safe Gluten-Free Ingredients in Cooking for Celiac Disease, Food Allergies, and Gluten-Related Disorders

In catering to individuals with celiac disease, food allergies, or gluten-related disorders, the importance of using safe gluten-free ingredients and a conscientious effort to safeguards against cross-contamination cannot be overstated. From preventing adverse health effects to fostering inclusivity, mindful ingredient selection and a safe kitchen is key.

Ensuring Safety for Celiac Disease:

For those with celiac disease, gluten consumption triggers immune responses and intestinal damage. Using gluten-free ingredients is vital to creating a safe environment and maintaining the health of individuals managing this condition.

Mitigating Allergic Reactions:

Individuals with gluten sensitivities or allergies face discomfort and health complications upon gluten exposure. Opting for safe gluten-free ingredients minimizes the risk of cross-contamination, ensuring allergy-free meals and peace of mind.

Safe Gluten-Free Ingredients:

Choosing ingredients labeled gluten-free is good, but ingredients labeled as certified gluten-free is the best choice and is the foundation of a secure cooking experience. By relying on reputable products, the risk of unintended gluten exposure is significantly reduced, allowing your loved ones to savor meals without compromising their health.

Dedicated Kitchen or Prep Space:

Establishing a dedicated gluten-free kitchen or prep space is a key strategy for preventing cross-contamination. This ensures that utensils, surfaces, and equipment remain uncontaminated, minimizing the risk of gluten transfer during the cooking and baking process.

Adhering to Strict Protocols:

Implementing stringent protocols, such as separate cutting boards and utensils for gluten-free preparations, reinforces the commitment to a safe culinary environment. These measures serve as a protective barrier, safeguarding individuals against inadvertent gluten exposure.

Diligent Cross-Contamination Prevention:

Preventing cross-contamination is key to a safe kitchen. separate gluten-free and gluten-containing items in the kitchen prior to cooking, clean utensils thoroughly between uses, and wipe down surfaces diligently. Designate specific utensils, cutting boards, and cooking surfaces for gluten-free preparations.

Elevating Gatherings with Inclusive Cooking:

By embracing these gluten-free cooking essentials, you not only prioritize the health and well-being of your family and friends but also elevate your gatherings to be inclusive and enjoyable for everyone. Transform your kitchen into a safe haven where dietary needs are respected, allowing your loved ones to focus on the joy of shared moments and delicious meals.

These simple yet effective measures ensure that family and friends with celiac disease, food allergies, and gluten-sensitivities can enjoy meals without the concern of unintended exposure.

A Brief History of Pies:

Pies have been a culinary staple for centuries, with their history dating back to ancient civilizations. The concept of enclosing fillings within a pastry shell can be traced to the ancient Egyptians, who used a simple mixture of ground oats or wheat wrapped in a crude dough. These early pies were primarily used as a vessel to preserve and transport fillings, rather than for their taste.

As time passed, pies evolved and diversified across various cultures. In medieval Europe, pies filled with meats, fruits, and spices became popular, and they played a crucial role in banquets and feasts. The pastry crusts, initially inedible, gradually improved in texture and flavor.

During the Renaissance, pie-making skills spread across Europe, and pies were enjoyed by both royalty and commoners. The British, in particular, developed a strong pie-making tradition, leading to the creation of classic dishes like shepherd’s pie and steak and kidney pie.

In America, pies took on a distinct identity, with regional variations such as apple pie in New England and sweet potato pie in the South. Pies became an integral part of American culture, especially during the Thanksgiving holiday, where pumpkin and pecan pies are cherished traditions.

The History of Pecan Pies:

Pecan pie, a quintessential American dessert, has a rich history intertwined with the Southern United States. Its origins can be traced back to the Native American Choctaw tribe, who cultivated and enjoyed pecans, and the French settlers who brought their culinary expertise to the region.

The earliest known pecan pie recipes can be found in late 19th-century cookbooks. These recipes typically combined pecans with sugar or molasses in a pastry shell. Pecan pies were a way to make use of the bountiful pecan harvests that occurred in the South each fall.

The popularization of pecan pie is often credited to Karo, a corn syrup company. In the early 20th century, Karo published recipes for pecan pie on their corn syrup labels, introducing this delightful dessert to a broader audience. Corn syrup quickly became a standard ingredient in pecan pie recipes due to its smooth texture and sweetening properties.

Today, pecan pie is a beloved dessert throughout the United States, especially during the fall and winter seasons. It is an integral part of Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts, and its sweet, gooey filling and nutty flavor continue to evoke a sense of warmth and tradition.

The culinary history of pecan pie reflects the amalgamation of Native American, French, and American influences, resulting in a Southern classic that has firmly established itself as a cherished treat enjoyed by many.


Corn Syrup

This recipe calls for both light and dark gluten-free corn syrup. They have slightly different flavors to them.

According to Karo, light corn syrup is milder in sweetness and flavored with real vanilla. Alternatively, dark corn syrup is flavored with molasses and has a bolder flavor.

Like most other recipes, either light or dark corn syrup works equally well. I prefer to use a mixture of both to give this Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie a flavor that is a little deeper without overpowering it with a strong infusion of molasses.

There’s controversy surrounding corn syrup which primarily revolves around its high fructose content and potential health implications when consumed excessively. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has been associated with an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other health concerns when consumed in large quantities.

While corn syrup is a key ingredient in many pecan pie recipes, it’s essential to enjoy such indulgent treats in moderation, especially if one is concerned about their sugar intake. Pecan pie, while undeniably delicious, is a sugary dessert that is best reserved for special occasions like Thanksgiving or other annual celebrations to savor its unique flavors without overindulging and to maintain a balanced, healthy diet throughout the year.

Gluten-Free Pie Crust

When it comes to pie crusts, there are many options to choose from. For me and our family, it’s gotta be gluten-free. We’ve tried several on the market and our favorite gluten free pie crust is, by far, one made by Gluten Free Nation, which unfortunately is currently only available for purchase in local grocery stores like Albertson’s, Central Market, H-E-B, and more.

We have served pies made with this crust to non-gluten-free family and friends and none were able to tell the difference between this one and their usual gluten filled counterpart. (Yes, it’s THAT good!)

Gluten-Free Pie Crust Recipe

If you’re unable to locate a pre-made gluten-free pie crust nearby, you can make one from scratch. Here’s a simple recipe for a homemade gluten-free pie crust:

Ingredients for Homemade Gluten-Free Pie Crust:
  • 1 1/4 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour blend (make sure it contains xanthan gum)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cold and cut into small cubes
  • 1 large egg
  • 2-4 tablespoons ice-cold water
Instructions for Homemade Gluten-Free Pie Crust:
  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Make sure all your ingredients are cold. Cube the butter and place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes before using.
  2. Mix the Dry Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, whisk together the gluten-free all-purpose flour blend and salt.
  3. Cut in the Butter: Add the cold, cubed butter to the dry ingredients. Use a pastry cutter or your fingers to work the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. You want pea-sized pieces of butter throughout the mixture.
  4. Add the Egg: In a small bowl, beat the egg. Pour it over the flour and butter mixture.
  5. Combine the Dough: Gently stir the mixture with a fork until it begins to come together. If the dough is too dry, add ice-cold water, one tablespoon at a time, just until the dough holds together. Be careful not to overwork the dough.
  6. Form the Dough: Turn the dough out onto a sheet of plastic wrap. Use the plastic wrap to help shape it into a disk. Wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Chilling the dough will make it easier to handle and roll out.
  7. Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  8. Roll Out the Crust: On a lightly floured surface or between two sheets of parchment paper, roll out the chilled dough into a circle large enough to fit your pie pan.
  9. Transfer to the Pie Pan: Carefully transfer the rolled-out dough to your pie pan. Trim any excess dough hanging over the edge.
  10. Pre-Bake (Optional): Depending on your pie recipe, you may need to pre-bake the crust. To do this, line the crust with parchment paper and fill it with pie weights (or dried beans). Bake for about 15 minutes, then remove the weights and parchment paper and bake for an additional 5-10 minutes until the crust is lightly golden. (For the Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie, it is not necessary to pre-bake the pie crust. In fact, it is likely to burn if you do.)
  11. Add Filling: If your pie recipe requires a pre-baked crust, let it cool before adding your desired filling. If your recipe calls for a pie crust that will bake with the filling, you can add your filling directly to the unbaked crust and follow the baking instructions for your specific pie.

Enjoy your homemade gluten-free pie crust in your favorite pie recipes!

Ingredients for Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie

  • 1 cup sugar
  • ¾ cup light corn syrup
  • ¾ cup dark corn syrup
  • 4 extra large eggs
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1½ cups pecans (broken for easier slicing after baking)
  • 2 unbaked gluten-free pie shells

How to Make Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie

1. In a saucepan, combine sugar and corn syrup, then boil until sugar crystals dissolve. This step is essential to create the syrupy sweetness that characterizes pecan pie. This is an important step for two reasons.

  • Dissolving the sugar crystals makes for a smoother filling.
  • Pre-cooking part of the filling reduces the baking time and the potential for burning the crust.

2. Set the sugar/corn syrup mixture aside to cool. Allowing it to cool prevents the hot syrup from overcooking the eggs when combined, preserving the integrity of the filling.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs until yolks and whites are completely combined and mixture becomes slightly frothy.

4. Gently temper the eggs by slowly adding to the side of the bowl the warm sugar/corn syrup mixture while constantly stirring until all are combined. This gradual process prevents the eggs from curdling due to the temperature difference and ensures a smooth, creamy filling. This cannot be stressed enough: this must be done SLOWLY or you’ll end up with scrambled eggs and who wants that in their pie?

5. Strain the egg and sugar mixture if any lumps are present. Straining helps eliminate any coagulated egg bits or impurities, resulting in a silky-smooth filling. (No matter how careful we are, accidents can happen so if you find a few pieces of cooked scrambled eggs in the pie mixture, strain it now before adding the remaining ingredients.)

6. To the sugar/egg mixture, add butter, vanilla, and pecans. The butter will melt in the warm pie filling mixture imparting richness and flavor, while the pecans provide the signature crunch and nutty taste that pecan pie is renowned for.

7. Pour filling mixture into 2 unbaked gluten-free pie crusts. ensuring an even distribution of pecans. The pie crusts serve as the foundation for the luscious, sweet filling.

You can use a single deep dish pie crust if you can find one or want to make your own, but note that this recipe makes a LOT of filling – enough to fill two regular sized pie crusts to the very top – so if using a single deep dish pie crust, be prepared to for extra pecan pie filling.

8. Bake in an oven at 350° for 45 to 60 minutes until center of pies wiggle, but no longer appear runny. (Looks can be deceiving! Do not be fooled by a wiggly center and be tempted to exceed 60 minutes in the oven. The center may appear less firm than it should be, but note that the filling will continue cooking in the pie shell until it cools. Once it has cooled, the pie filling will become the consistency that most are familiar with.)

9. Remove the pies from the oven and allow them to cool before indulging. As the pies cool, the filling will firm up, making it easier to slice and serve.


With “Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie,” you can embrace the flavors and traditions of the season without compromising your gluten-free lifestyle. This pie, rich in history and culinary science, is a testament to the delicious possibilities that exist for those with dietary restrictions. So, go ahead and savor the sweet, nutty delight of this Southern classic while ushering in the warmth and joy of the fall and winter seasons. Happy baking and even happier holidays!

Tips for the Perfect Gluten-Free Pie

  • For individuals with celiac disease, an allergy to a gluten-containing ingredient, or other gluten-related disorders, it’s imperative to only use ingredients that are at a minimum, labeled gluten-free. Note that certified gluten-free ingredients will always be the best choice.
  • Start with eggs that have warmed to room temperature. If they are already warmed up from their previous refrigerator temps, they’ll be easier to temper with the boiled sugar mixture and will be less likely to turn into lumps of cooked scrambled eggs.
  • Tent the edge of the crust with foil to prevent burning. Remove the foil during the last 10-20 minutes of baking to give it a golden brown color.
  • The center of the pie should be jiggly, but not runny. If it jiggles but doesn’t look like soup when you bump the pie plate, then consider it done otherwise, you’ll overcook it. Rest assured, it will firm up as it cools.
  • This Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie can be wrapped in plastic wrap, frozen, and defrosted at room temperature, and reheated in a 350° oven for approximately 10 minutes or until warmed to your preferred temperature.

This incredibly rich Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie is sinfully delicious and absolutely perfect for your next family gathering or pot luck!

Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie

Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie

no profileJamie F.
This incredibly rich Utterly Deadly Gluten-Free Southern Pecan Pie is sinfully delicious and absolutely perfect for your next family gathering or pot luck!
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 16
Calories 380 kcal


  • 1 Pie Pan
  • 1 Sauce Pan
  • 1 Spoon
  • 1 Strainer
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons


  • 1 cup sugar
  • ¾ cup light corn syrup
  • ¾ cup dark corn syrup
  • 4 extra large eggs
  • ¼ cup butter
  • teaspoons vanilla extract
  • cups pecans
  • 2 unbaked gluten free pie shells


  • In a saucepan, combine sugar and corn syrup, then boil until sugar crystals dissolve.
  • Set the sugar/corn syrup mixture aside to cool.
  • Whisk eggs until yolks and whites are completely combined and mixture becomes slightly frothy.
  • Gently temper the eggs by slowly adding to the side of the bowl the warm sugar/corn syrup mixture while constantly stirring until all are combined.
  • Strain the egg and sugar mixture if any lumps are present.
  • Add butter, vanilla, and pecans.
  • Pour filling mixture into 2 unbaked gluten free pie crusts.
  • Bake in an oven at 350° for 45 to 60 minutes until center of pies wiggle, but no longer appear runny.
  • Remove from oven and cool until ready to enjoy!


Calories: 380kcalCarbohydrates: 54gProtein: 4gFat: 19gSaturated Fat: 6gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 0.1gCholesterol: 96mgSodium: 207mgPotassium: 66mgFiber: 3gSugar: 40gVitamin A: 169IUVitamin B1: 0.1mgVitamin B2: 0.1mgVitamin B3: 0.1mgVitamin B5: 0.3mgVitamin B6: 0.04mgVitamin B12: 0.1µgVitamin C: 0.1mgVitamin D: 0.3µgVitamin E: 0.4mgVitamin K: 1µgCalcium: 25mgCopper: 0.1mgFolate: 9µgIron: 2mgManganese: 0.4mgMagnesium: 14mgPhosphorus: 56mgSelenium: 5µgZinc: 1mgCholine: 48mgNet Carbohydrates: 38g
Keyword Christmas, Hanukkah, Holiday, Simple, Southern, Sweet, Tasty, Thanksgiving
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Ready to Get Started?

  • COMING SOON:  Download a free Safe Foods Checklist.  This will help you select delicious gluten free options that you can count on to be safe for you and your family to consume.
  • COMING SOON:  Download a free Foods to Avoid list.  This guide will help you avoid the foods and ingredients that are not safe for you and your family to consume.
  • COMING SOON:  Download a free 3-Day Meal Plan.  This is perfect for anyone needing short-term emergency relief before adopting a long-term plan.


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Jamie with ZERO For Life

Welcome to ZeroForLife.com!

My name is Jamie. My family and I know first hand what it's like to live with celiac disease and food allergies. Helping people like us with similar challenges take charge of their health and happiness is my undying passion. My focus is on providing you with both accurate health information that’s grounded in science and practical tools to help you successfully live a completely gluten free and/or allergen free lifestyle.

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